What matters to you?

The Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts is committed to the Queensland Government’s vision and plan to build long-term prosperity and growth across the state.

Good Jobs | Better Services | Great Lifestyle

We were at the 2024 Ekka to find out what matters to you.

This consultation is now closed, but thank you to everyone who shared their views online and everyone who joined us at the Ekka.

The results are in

Combining all of the responses received from Queenslanders, we can see that Truth-telling and Healing, Help when disaster strikes and sharing and preserving Queensland's history are what matters most to the people we connected with.

Full breakdown of the responses is included below. Thank you again to everyone who participated.

Pie chart illustrating the breakdown of all responses. Details and percentages are also included below the chart.

Explore the percentage of responses received for each of the topics:

👩🏾‍💼💼👨🏾‍💼Thriving First Nations businesses - two percent of responses

📣🌈❤️Celebrated and included LGBTQIA+ communities - five percent of responses

🏘️🏡🏘️Inclusive places for communities to connect - five percent of responses

🎖️🙌💼Effective services for veterans - six percent of responses

🌱🌊📃Looking after our cultural heritage - seven percent of responses

🎭🎨🎵A vibrant arts and cultural sector - eight percent of responses

🤗🥰🤗Feeling connected - nine percent of responses

🙌🤲🙏 Volunteering in my community – nine percent of responses

💭💬🗣️Young people having a voice - nine percent of responses

📜📜📜Sharing and preserving Queensland's history – eleven percent of responses

⚡⛈️🌪️Help when disaster strikes – twelve percent of responses

❤️💛🖤Truth-telling and healing - sixteen percent of responses

Post your photo and share what matters to you!

Click the button below and follow the steps.

The Department of Treaty, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Partnerships, Communities and the Arts is committed to working with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, and non-Indigenous Queenslanders, to build a new future and support thriving communities where all can enjoy high levels of social and economic wellbeing, supported by a vibrant arts and cultural sector.

We are building a strong, sustainable and diverse arts and cultural sector, connecting Queenslanders with the histories of families, local communities and the state, and involving young Queenslanders in the development of our policies, programs and services.

QR code linking to QIYLP

The Queensland Indigenous Youth Leadership Program, or QIYLP for short, is the flagship component of the Queensland Indigenous Youth Leadership Strategy. The program provides an exciting opportunity for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders, 18–25 years of age, to come together to strengthen their leadership skills and build their capacity to drive change in local communities.

Since it began in 2004, more than 720 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander young people have participated in the program, with many returning in subsequent years as mentors, lead mentors and program facilitators.

Exclamation Icon

Applications for the 2024 QIYLP are open now!

To find out if you are eligble to apply, scan the QR code, or visit qld.gov.au/qiylp


Image of a woman speaking passionately in a group setting, with a quote overlay: 'I gained friends and connections that will last a lifetime' - Rikisha.

QR code linking to Safer Schoolies

Schoolies is traditionally a time to celebrate all your hard work and many of you may be heading off with friends to various ‘Schoolies’ locations for a well-deserved break. Whilst Schoolies is all about having fun with your friends, it also brings with it responsibility and risks. We’re here to help you plan ahead to safely navigate Schoolies and make your end of year celebrations safe, fun and memorable for all the right reasons.

Learn more about how you can Stay Safe and watch your mates.

QR Code linking to arts Queensland

There is a lot going on at Queensland State Archives (QSA). Explore over 150 years of Queensland's wide and colourful history, research your family tree, see the latest exhibition Beneath this Skin or explore the range of resources designed to help you master the art of deciphering cursive handwriting within archival records and other materials.

Scan the code or visit Queensland State Archives

QR Code linking to Queensland State Archives

Arts Queensland is building a strong and sustainable sector which supports the renewal and transformation of Queensland through arts, culture and creativity. Learn more about artsQueensland

Helping to improve social wellbeing of people and create thriving Queensland communities

QR Code linking to neighbourhood centres

Neighbourhood Centres, located in rural, remote and urban locations, provide critical social infrastructure, play a key part in building community connection and cohesion, and provide services and supports that help the lives of hundreds of thousands of Queenslanders that visit Neighbourhood Centres each year.

To find your local Neighbourhood center, scan the QR code, or visit Neighbourhood Centres


QR Code linking to volunteering

Volunteering is a great way to contribute to your community. It provides a variety of benefits, including making new friends, sharing skills, getting job-ready and becoming a part of the local community.

We fund Volunteering Queensland to promote volunteering, provide a volunteer referral service, training and sector support for volunteers and volunteer-involving organisations. Volunteering Queensland also provides registration services for emergency volunteers during disasters when activated by the Queensland State Disaster Coordination Centre.

Learn more and find volunteering opportunities near you Volunteering

QR Code linking to financial resilience program

The Financial Resilience program can help you improve your financial knowledge, access affordable financial products and manage the factors that are contributing to your financial difficulties. Financial resilience workers and counsellors can provide financial education and advice and manage individual cases for those in need.

To find out how you can build your financial capacity scan the code or go to Financial literacy and resilience services.

We provide whole-of-government leadership in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander policy, coordination and monitoring, and the delivery of services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Queenslanders.

QR code linking to Cultural heritage

Our department administers Queensland's Cultural Heritage Acts and delivers programs of work that celebrate and help preserve Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and culture. The Cultural Heritage Unit provide effective recognition, protection and conservation of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural heritage.

Scan the QR code to learn more, or go to Culture at dsdsatsip.qld.gov.au

QR Code linking to Indigenous Business month

The Queensland Government supports Indigenous Business Month and recognises the power of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples’ contribution to Queensland’s economy, showcasing the powerhouse businesses employing, creating, innovating, and getting on with business across the state.

Queensland’s strong and diverse First Nations’ business sector is critical to local, regional and the state economies; the employment of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and creating a future where every Queenslander can thrive.

Scan the QR code to learn more, or visit Indigenous business month.

Queensland's disaster support and recovery

Queensland's disaster support and recovery

Learn more about how  we support Queenslanders to recover from natural disasters.

Community Recovery
Pride in our Communities, Queensland’s first strategy for supporting LGBTQIA+ communities.

Pride in our Communities, Queensland’s first strategy for supporting LGBTQIA+ communities.

Pride in our Communities is a long-term plan towards building a safe, inclusive and equitable Queensland where LGBTQIA+ people can live authentically, feel connected and access the services they need.

Learn more
Truth-telling and Healing

Truth-telling and Healing

Truth-telling will help build community understanding of Queensland’s shared history and support the healing process for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples, non-Indigenous people, communities, the state and help Close the Gap.

Learn more

Brisbane Festival

30 August – 21 September 2024

Brisbane Festival 2024


30 August - 21 September 2024

In 2024, we invite you to Find Your Fit. Engage with the unfamiliar, the unexpected and the beautiful. Explore the full program now.

Explore the program now!